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The Basics: Who What When Where
We gather for worship every Sunday at 10:00 AM.
Dress as you feel most comfortable. We are typical Seattleites — some of us like to dress up, some of us like to dress down. It's your call.
Worship is relatively informal, with a mix of traditional hymns and new songs, laughter and tears, a sermon and time for community prayers. It usually lasts about an hour, give or take. We celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month, and all are welcome to participate.
Yes, there is an offering taken during the service. But remember, it's an offering, not a "bill for services." Give only as your heart leads you.
Many of us hang out after worship to visit over coffee and home-made treats, and we'd love for you to join us so we can meet you. But if you feel more comfortable leaving right away, that's okay too.